21 Ways – Number 7 End Your Divorce Peacefully

21 ways to finish strong and hit the ground running in 2020.

End your divorce in peace. If you are in the divorce process, try to resolve it before the year is through. Here are some tips for doing just that.

For those of you who are in battled in divorce proceedings, I have a message for you. If it is at all possible for you to end your divorce peacefully, this year, I encourage you to do so. Because the last thing you need is to carry the weight and the heaviness of a divorce battle from one year into the next. How we ended one season determines how we enter into the next one.

Here are five strategies for you to end peacefully so that the next season of your life can begin in peace and prosperity.

1. Pray for your former spouse.

The word of God says to pray for those who we consider as our enemies. But if you are a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, then you should not be an enemy of your former spouse. Even if you don’t agree and you at odds, you don’t have to be enemies. To protect your heart, keep yourself in the place of peace. Pray for them.

2. Ask God to bless them.

Ask God to replace whatever is broken and damaged in their life as a result of the divorce and separation. Ask God to heal them and to restore their soul. Asked God to give them what they need and replenish all those areas of their heart and life so that they can fulfill the purpose of God. Ask God to remove old soul ties so that they can be whole in spirit, body, and mind.

3. Only take what you need.

Ask the Lord what is the bare minimum that you need to walk away with in your relationship in order to be able to rebuild your life. And whatever he tells you to walk away with, only contend for that. Don’t fight for things that God never intended for you to have. In order to start a new life, each person should walk away with the things that are needed for the next season. God knows what you’re going to need in the years to come and what you need to take away. If you take away something that really your former spouse needs for the next season it is just as if you stole it. And to live with the stolen possessions is to bring your life under the influence of a curse. That item that you took does not belong to you. It will become as an accursed thing.

4. Leave them better than you found them.

As much as it is within your power give them as much as you can. Relinquish as much resources into their hands as possible. Shave off all the resources that you can manage on —- the fat side and give it to them. The reason why is if you will release what you can, God will replenish. But DO NOT release anything that God tells you to retain.

5. Follow after the peace of God.

Whatever the Lord tells you to do make it your business to obey his voice. The outcome of obedience will always be peace. Yes you may still have some struggles, you may still have some opposition, you may still have some conflict. But if you follow after peace you will stay in a place where you have access to the presence of God. And the peace will sustain you.

It’s important to realize that God loves your ex-spouse as much as he loves you. He wants to prosper them in the same way that he wants to prosper you. He wants to heal them the same way he wants to heal you. His love for both of you is unending. Participate with that love and allow him to help you finish strong without damaging the person you used to love.

This post is a part of a series of 21 messages on how to finish strong so you can hit the ground running in 2020. He’s 21 segments are spread between my Facebook page, my Instagram page, and my YouTube channel. Eventually they will all be in one place most likely on my website so that you can see everyone. Until then whatever you find me you will likely find one of them post it there .

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