all flowers don't bloom in spring

All Flowers Don’t Bloom in Spring

all flowers don't bloom in spring
all flowers don’t bloom in spring

I love camellias. They preach the message that all flowers don’t bloom in spring. Just because you didn’t take off when everybody else did doesn’t mean God didn’t have a plan for you. Bloom in your season! Flowers stand out when they bloom in the winter — when everything else is cold and dreary, they are bright and beautiful! Every season brings joys, dramas, and traumas. There will be things to be excited about and anticipation will fill the day. At the same time, there will be things that you wonder if and when they will ever end. The answer is yes they will, eventually. The seasons will change because God promised that they would.

“While the earth remains,
Seedtime and harvest,
Cold and heat,
Winter and summer,
And day and night
Shall not cease.”
Genesis 8:22

In the meanwhile, we have a choice to make. We decide to look at whatever situation we are facing at any given moment and see Jesus in the middle of it with us. His promise of proximity and divine presence is sure. It is our security regardless of how easy or difficult things are. We never have to face anything alone. He is with us in winter, spring, summer, and fall. He is here in joys and sorrows. He will never leave us.

In addition, we have the blessed hope of his imminent return to collect us and take us to live with him forever. But until that day, he has given us his Holy Spirit to comfort, guide, encourage, support, help, and sustain us through every season. He is here and that is why you are too.

Yes, that’s why you are here in this hour in this time. All flowers don’t bloom in spring. God wanted you to bloom when things are dark and difficult. He knew you would stand out! Just your presence speaks to his glory! Your posture speaks to his strength! Your red radiance decrees his vibrance. Yes, you are glorious in your season! And that is what matters most to him!

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