Join the Chayil Circle Virtual Chapter of EBW

Join the Chayil Circle Virtual Chapter of EBWJoin the Chayil Circle Virtual Chapter of EBW!

This past Saturday, May 16, 2020, we held the Global Launch of EBW’s Virtual Chapters. I am excited to share that the Chayil Circle now hosts a chapter as a part of our commitment to helping women grow in their finances. This is your invitation to Join the Chayil Circle Virtual Chapter of EBW.

The Chayil Circle is a Facebook Community of women and men who work hard, play well, and love others. With a strong focus on honor, integrity, and financial accountability, we are entrepreneurs who have multiple streams of income. We are business owners committed to developing ourselves and maximizing our income for kingdom benefit. We are real estate developers, property owners, benefactors, and Angel investors who provide financial support for causes we care about. To Join the Chayil Circle Facebook Community Click Here

In addition, You can now join the Chayil Circle Virtual Chapter (click here) of EBW.  This global organization has so much to offer women who are trying to build businesses especially now in this Mid-COVID 19 era. Women need the support of other women in realtime. EBW is a global network that enables you to get the help you need to navigate this new volatile ever-changing business environment.

Ask yourself, who can I call if I have a pressing business question? Do I have a tribe of people to surround me when things get tough? Who is there to come alongside me as I step into new uncharted waters? That is the power of EBW! We are an amazing tribe of women who realize that there is plenty of wealth and opportunity for everyone. A big part of our success is helping each other succeed!

We invite you to join our tribe! 

The most valuable thing I have gained from being an EBW Member and now Chapter leader is strategic relationships with other likeminded women who are committed to personal growth, who walk in integrity and honor, and who want to grow their finances so that they have the resources available to make a difference. Since connecting with EBW I have grown in business vision, clarity and have received support in making that vision real through consistent action and group accountability.

Do you have that?
Do you have a network to help you be consistent?
Do you have high character relationships that hold you accountable to accomplish your dreams? 

We can help! Join the Chayil Circle EBW Virtual Chapter today!

To view, the replay of the Global launch, click the Replay link.
Password: 6E*.84G!

This is the link to Join The Chayil Circle EBW–Virtual Chapter

Join EBW for as little as $8.97 a month.

Chapter Co-Leaders are Stella Payton and Kecia Hayslett. Meetings are currently the 2nd Saturday Each month at 10:00 a.m. Central time.

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