Stella’s Life Lessons About TIME …

Been doing a little study on TIME. Have observed a few things… Oh wait… got to go pull out my soap box… be right back… with Stella’s Life lessons about TIME…

TIME LESSON # 10. Only a fool is dumb enough to think that he can MANAGE TIME. There is no such thing as time management. Time in fact, is the ultimate educator. Time teaches YOU. TIME Manages YOU. TIME IS TRAINING YOU! It shows you what you are qualified to OVERSEE in life. It teaches YOU to recognize WHAT and WHO is important.

If you respect TIME and follow the RULES TIME establishes (Like learning WHERE and WHEN you are supposed to BE) TIME will GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO DO MORE. If you fail to learn the lesson of being ON TIME, you will be held back in life because TIME will not give you permission to move on to greater responsibility.

TIME LESSON # 9. TIME teaches you who to follow. If you find a leader who is chronically late—-TIME will watch you, and see if you realize that you cannot partner with someone who does not RESPECT TIME. Time will demand that you maintain RESPECT FOR TIME—or the so called leader will sucker you into following his example. And before you know it, you will find yourself saying, “there is no reason to be ON TIME, because they gonna be late anyway!” TIME does not like that attitude!


TIME LESSON # 8. time TEACHES you about THE THREE ENEMIES OF SUCCESS. They are 1) a spirit of REBELLION, 2) a CONTROLLING spirit AND 3) a spirit of LAZINESS.

TIME LESSON # 7. TIME says when people are chronically late, one of the three enemies is at work. First, the spirit of REBELLION. This spirit says, “I choose to be late so I can show you how important I am.” It thinks that it is more important than the person TIME told them to MEET. So it chooses to REBEL against the schedule to communicate their rejection of AUTHORITY.

TIME LESSON # 6. TIME says that people who are chronically late often have low self esteem so they flaunt their power by being late so they can subconsciously prove to others that they are in control. The reality is that they often are respected less when they are late and are granted less and less control and authority because they refuse to subvert themselves to the VISION at hand. You see, TIME KNOWS that everything we do is connected to a VISION. When we are charged to support, create, or build the VISION of another which we believe comes from GOD, —– BEING LATE IS A WAY TO SNATCH CONTROL OF THE VISION FROM THE ONE REALLY IN CHARGE.

TIME LESSON # 5. TIME trains you to motivate yourself and reject a spirit of LAZINESS. TIME recognizes the value of chronology, seasons and sequence. So TIME watches to see if you will RESPECT these three. If we do, than we exercise wisdom. if we do not, we suffer the rewards of the sluggard—not having enough provision for life.

TIME LESSON # 4. TIME trains you to be wise and to seek out knowledge so you can have a stable life. Isaiah 33:6 says, “6 And wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of thy times” KJV TIME wants us to recognize that INSTABILITY is the end result of of ignorance and a disregard for knowledge about the effective use of TIME.

TIME LESSON # 3. TIME is very unyielding. It rejects the ignorance of unnecessary repetition. In other words, TIME does not REPEAT itself. EACH minute is unique and new. Use it well and wisely and TIME will reward you with another STEP in its CHRONOLOGY. Use that minute poorly and time will let you sit and rot in the cesspool of inactivity until enough minutes have passed away and you ARE NO MORE given the LUXURY of TIME.

TIME LESSON # 2. TIME is training you to number your days. IT helps us realize how few our days are and structures our lessons to help us use TIME correctly as we should. TIME realizes that IT is a limited commodity that has substantial ETERNAL IMPACT.

TIME LESSON # 1. TIME is like toilet paper, the closer you get to the end, the faster it seems to go. So whatever time you have left, use it wisely.

So there you have it. 10 lessons on time. Remember, that time can NEVER BE MANAGED. It can only be HONORED AND RESPECTED as it is the ultimate instructor IN HOW TO ORDER LIFE. LEARN WELL FRIENDS.
