Year: 2016

The Danger of a Small Mind

Full Definition of small–minded. 1 : having narrow interests, sympathies, or outlook. 2 : typical of a small-minded person : marked by pettiness, narrowness, or meanness <small–minded conduct Top 10 Signs that you are a narrow  person.   Narrow-minded people are not evil. They just have a limited sphere of thinking. While some of these […]


In his book the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey touted the principal of beginning with the end in mind or being intentional. Intentionality is knowing what you want before you ask for it. It’s knowing where you going before you leave. Intentionality is defining your outcome before you take the actions necessary […]

You Can Get Out!

October is domestic violence month. Only recently that I begin to understand what women go through because of some experiences I had. There are shelters to help you. There are people standing by to help you make your escape. But you have to want to be free. Here is a power story about what believing […]