We live in a time where too many people are motivated by their own self interest and care two little about how their behavior and actions affect other people. Love pays attention to how our actions and thoughts touch others.
Selfishness and his big brother, self-seeking, are both manifestations of a preoccupation with our own needs and an uncaring or indifference towards the needs of others. Selfishness can show up as greediness by taking more than your share. Or it may appear as indifference by deciding not to help someone who could really use a hand.
Self-seeking behavior often disguises itself. Sometimes people do good for the wrong reasons. They may show up to help simply because they don’t want to appear as if they are uncaring. Or they may offer something in order to appear as generous towards others. At the heart of self-seeking attitudes is a motivation to make ourselves appear different then what lies at our true hearts motives. Do you truly care or do you want people to think you care?
Love cares. Love shows up because it cares. So this holiday, show up. And the more you show up and touch the lives of other people — the more that desire to help others will show up inside of you.