It is the instantaneous nature of the miraculous that makes us long for God to solve our problems and fix those circumstances that trouble us. We look for the quick fix and the instant repair. But in the same way that winning the lottery doesn’t solve all of your financial problems, having a miraculous intervention doesn’t solve all of your other problems either.
The miraculous intervention and winning the lottery have one thing in common. They can address the symptoms but they cannot solve the internal soul issues that created the problem in the first place. If you don’t know how to manage money, you can win the lottery and still miss manage that huge infusion of cash. And in the end you will still suffer the consequences of your lack of knowledge in managing financial assets.
The longer I live, the more I see the connection between what exist in my life already and what exist in my mind. I understand more and more why God insisted that we be transformed by the renewing of our mind. There is an inter-working inside the human soul that has to be altered, changed, corrected, or redirected; whatever the distinction would be. It has to happen in order for us to be, do and become who God wants for us.
It is his awareness of what takes place inside our soul, That makes him insist that we be transformed. Transformation is not optional. And we’re not just talking about a simple change. That word transformation mean is a complete metamorphosis. It is where the internal workings of the soul are melted down and reconfigured into something and someone wholly new.
Having an internal metamorphosis that is the result of connecting with God himself. Being with someone gradually changes us. It must take place in order for each of us to become fully who God sees when he looks at us. He knows that the size of our thoughts systems will control our capacity. Because it doesn’t matter how big your increase is, if our capacity to contain it is small the increase won’t do us any good.