African Americans are meeting God in unprecedented numbers the next 30 days! Every night divine encounters, angelic visitation, dreams and visions are manifesting to this people that God loves!

Heavenly father in the name of Jesus for I pray for African Americans. I pray for divine encounters for 1 million African-Americans each night for the next month around this country until every African-American in this nation has encountered you in the night season for themselves! I pray that tonight you activate the words of Job chapter 33:14-18 afresh.
We decree that tonight you are speaking one way, and you are speaking another way. And we pray that starting tonight 1 million African-Americans across this nation will perceive your voice. They will hear you in a dream, they will see you in a vision of the night, while they are asleep upon their beds.
We decree starting tonight Joel 2:28 will manifest as, 1 million African-Americans encounter you. And we pray that every night for the next month, 1 million African-Americans each night will encounter the power in the presence of God in their dreams!
We decree that starting tonight you are pouring out your Spirit upon all African-Americans in the United States. We decree that your African-American sons and daughters shall prophesy. We decree that all the African-American men shall dream dreams. We decree that young African-American men shall see visions. And we thank you father that on your servants you were for out your spirit. And we activate these words to manifest in the lives of African Americans across this nation starting today. We thank you for A MILLION camp encounters a day for the next month!
We pray that these encounters will occur every night until every African-American has heard from you for themselves. We pray that every African-American has an encountered with you, by the spirit of the living God!
You, oh Lord, you will open their ears! You will seal up their instructions! You will turn them from their deeds that are inconsistent with your will for their lives, and your plan for this nation. You will drive them back from pride. You will keep their souls from the pit. And you will protect us from perishing.
Release your angelic forces right now to make it so. Chayil army angels to bring this prayer into existence. Answer every mother’s prayer Who has cried out to you on behalf of her children.
Let them taste and see the goodness of God.
Let them experience that it is the goodness of God that leads us to change the way we think.
You are faithful Oh God to answer us when we pray.
Job 33:14-18
Easy-to-Read Version
14 But maybe God does explain what he does but speaks in ways that people don’t understand.
15 He may speak in a dream, or in a vision at night, when people are in a deep sleep lying in their beds.
16 He may whisper something in their ear, and they are frightened when they hear his warnings.
17 God warns people to stop them from doing wrong and to keep them from becoming proud.
18 He does this to save them from death.[a] He wants to keep them from being destroyed.
Joel 2:28-29
“And it shall come to pass afterward That I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your old men shall dream dreams, Your young men shall see visions.
29 And also on My menservants and on My maidservants I will pour out My Spirit in those days.