Father God we thank you that across this nation, believers are rising up by the millions to pray for one hour a day! We answer the call to pray. We are humbling ourselves and we are answering the call to pray for our nation. Lord we repent for the sins of our fathers. Lord we repent for the sins of our brothers. Lord we repent for the sins of our mothers. And Lord we repent for the sins of our sisters. We pray that you have mercy upon us.

Forgive us for our errors, mistakes, failures, and all the wickedness of our past. Let your grace and mercy roll over your nation. God do not reject us but bring us into alignment with your plan for our nation. Bring us into agreement with what you saw when you allow this nation to come into existence.
We returned to you, oh God! We ask you father, to never leave us; to abide with us always. Show us how to bring our lives into alignment with the goodness your perfect will has outlined.
Thank you God for your faithfulness to hear us when we pray. For you have spoken that while we are yet speaking you hear us and you answer. You said, if we call upon you, you will answer us. You said that if we call upon your name, you will show was great and mighty things which we do not know. We ask you father, to honor and manifest that word towards big United States of America. Show us those things Lord.
Lord turn away from us the judgment that could fall because we had walked away from you in our hearts. Turned away from us the judgment that could fall because we have failed to call upon your name. Turn away from us the judgment that could fall because of the murders we have committed towards our own seed towards, our own children. God forgive us for the 60 million lives we have taken.
God forgive us for failing to strengthen the hands of the poor and the needy. God forgive us for failing to take care of those who could not take care of themselves. Forgive us for our greed and our selfishness.
God forgive us!
God forgive us!
God please, forgive us!
God forgive us!
Forgive us Lord for the racism. Forgive us for the slavery. Forgive us for Jim Crow. Forgive us! God forgive us. Lord have mercy upon us. Move on our hearts and change us. Please help us become like you. In Jesus name we pray.
God we appeal to your mercy. We cry out for your grace. We thank you for your son, Jesus Christ. Lord Jesus, wash us in your blood. Give us a heart to repent, to turn from our wicked ways, we pray, God please, heal our land. Set a hedge around us from our enemies. Protect us from those who would do us harm and bring us destruction.
Give us the opportunity to fulfill the assignment of Spreading your Word across this planet. Allow us to see your great move in the manifestation of the billion soul harvest. Allow us to be a part of the 300 million souls coming to your kingdom in the United States of America. We believe you God! We love you, Lord. And we will be faithful to pray! We bless you father! Lord, we worship your name! We magnify you as God! We glorify your name and we confess that Jesus Christ is Lord! And he is Lord over the United States of America!