Author: Stella Payton


Work the Wisdom Wisdom is the ability to understand the opportunities, challenges, and situations we face,  anticipate the consequences of our choices, and make sound decisions. It is the ability to recognize opportunities hidden behind difficulties, problems, and challenges. Attached to every problem is a promise. And with every promise comes the provision to meet […]


Create wealth. There is a path to wealth you were born to walk. Keep in mind that wealth is not just money. It is a wealth of time, freedom, and peace that allows us to create the lives and future we yearn for our families. In Deuteronomy 8:18, the passage reads, It is the Lord who […]


Chayil means valiant warrior. I am sure no one has to tell you that we live in a world where courage, bravery, and determination are not optional. And yet, many people like you and I have silent hopes and dreams that are screaming for realization. Dreams don’t just manifest out of thin air. They require diligence, […]