Be there.
There was a time in my life when I feared being alone. There was a time in my life when I feared being overwhelmed by the crowds of people around me. There were times in my life when I feared not having anyone to be with. And there were times when I feared being with everyone and connecting with no one. Life is like that. Fear uses whatever place we are to separate us from the people and the things that can bring us joy.
Sometimes just having someone in the space with you is enough to help you overcome your fear. Sometimes just being with somebody, anybody even can open the door of your soul and let you know you are not alone. So make the decision to be there for someone today. Be there.
Years ago I took a train ride with my son from Los Angeles to San Diego. He was just a little guy only about three years old. But on the train ride, I had an amazing conversation with a person who I still talk to today. Just being there with someone changed my life and still feeds my soul to this day. It doesn’t have to be a long-term exchange to change you. It could be a momentary smile. A five-minute conversation. It may be a quick word of encouragement. It could be a warm smile as you hold the door. Being there for someone is not complicated. Just be there.
Be there to hold someone’s hand. Be there to give someone a hug. Be there to release a smile and receive one back. Be there to touch a weary shoulder. Be there to embrace a broken heart. Be there to connect a link between a divided pair. Just be there for somebody.