Decree to See

Decree to See To enroll in our final online class for Fall 2019 click here. Writing Decrees to Shape the Next Decade There are many people especially Christians who are angry with God, angry with satan, and angry with other people because of the circumstances that surround their lives. They look at the situations they […]

This is How We Fight

You are more than a conqueror! Shake off that heaviness! No matter what is going on, the answer is in the presence of God! Get the enemy out of your head! Trust in the LORD! God is FAITHFUL! He will come through! He will! He will never leave you! He will never forsake you! You […]

I Am…

Good morning everyone! I am statements are powerful. What is your “I am …” statement today? Write it below! Here are a few of my I am _____… I am increasing profusely. I am thriving lavishly. Everything I touch is coming alive! I am strong. I am bold. I am courageous. I have moxie! I […]