When you believe a lie, you give power to the LIAR All information comes to shape our belief system. Whatever you believe to be true, becomes the force that shapes your life —- even if what you believe is a lie. There is one source of all LIES. John 8:44 For you are the […]
Change is Coming
Prophetic Message From Dutch Sheets Change is Coming A few months ago, beginning in Mississippi, people started giving me bags of change. In 35 years of ministry, no one had ever walked up to me with a baggie full of coins. I have received special coins and commemorative coins, coins minted with messages on […]
The Power Of I Am…
I am statements are powerful. What is your “I am …” statement today? Write it below! Here are a few of my “I am’s _____…” I am increasing profusely. I am thriving lavishly. Everything I touch is coming alive! I am strong. I am bold. I am courageous. I have moxie! I am focused. I […]