Holiday Love Challenge – Avoid Selfishness

We live in a time where too many people are motivated by their own self interest and care two little about how their behavior and actions affect other people. Love pays attention to how our actions and thoughts touch others.  Selfishness and his big brother, self-seeking, are both manifestations of a preoccupation with our own […]

Prepare for the Time of Acceleration 2019!

Prophetic Word by Cindy Jacobs The Lord has been talking to us for a while about this concept of extreme acceleration and “suddenlies.” I hear Him saying again, “Prepare for the time of acceleration.” The Lord says, “For many people, I bring a visitation of acceleration, but they are not ready to do what I […]

Holiday Love Challenge

Love is not rude. Rudeness is the weak man’s imitation of strength. ~Edmund Burke There is an old-fashioned English word called unseemly. It’s a historical way of describing rude behavior. Recently, I watched a video of a man walking through a door and as he went through, he held the door open politely for the […]