Act like it is so! Act it! Show it! Manifest Your Victory Change how you’re acting! Show up and decree your victory. For your dark days are behind and the SON is your shinning example of JOY Manifested. Who for the JOY that was set before him, endured the cross. You have endured! You have stood […]
America is Still Beautiful…
America is still beautiful! Decree the goodness and grace of God over America. For there is some goodness in every heart. Decree the Grace of God over America for where sin, hatred, division, strife abounds the grace of God is right there to overcome EVIL WITH GOOD. In the name of Jesus we contend for […]
Is He Your God or Your Husband?
Weapons of the Heart – The Pitfalls of Subtle Idolatry “He is either your God or your husband. But he cannot be both.” Her Story A little while back, I was talking with a friend about one of her first encounters hearing the voice of God. She told me the story of her first marriage and […]