Order your Rapture is Real t-Shirt (CLICK HERE) to start the conversation about the return of Jesus Christ. There are many people who no longer believe in the RAPTURE of Jesus Christ. It is the end-time event where Christ returns for his Church. Some people believe this will happen before the start of the Great […]
The Chayil Circle Online Community
It’s been quite the task of learning to build our Chayil Circle Mighty Network. I’ve made a lot of mistakes. Done the right things the wrong way! I’ve done the wrong things the right way! Lol but here’s the beauty about learning something new… You just keep trying! Until eventually, you get it right! […]
Be There
Be there. There was a time in my life when I feared being alone. There was a time in my life when I feared being overwhelmed by the crowds of people around me. There were times in my life when I feared not having anyone to be with. And there were times when I feared […]