Breaking the Fear of Housing Insecurity
One of the challenges of divorce is the insecurity that comes with not knowing how you’re going to keep the roof over your head. Shelter insecurity is one of the greatest issues facing society today. That is especially true for single parents. The overwhelming majority, some 90%, of single parents are women. It is no small task to keep a roof over your head especially when you have children. Divorce often fills that reality with fear. Thus, God is breaking off the fear of housing insecurity in order for us to access His thoughts and plans for us.
This morning I woke up feeling very grateful for how God brought me through the past six years. My divorce was a long and difficult one. When you have a spouse, you have the security of knowing there is someone watching out for you looking out for your needs, and making sure that you have shelter. But with divorce, you lose that security often leading us to become filled with fear. But praise God, He is breaking off the fear of housing insecurity and releasing faith for something much greater!
So if this feels like you, if it sounds like where you are right now, We are praying for you today. Please drop your name below and we will pray that the Lord Engineer circumstances to bring about shelter security. He is faithful and will remove all fear about where and how you’re going to live.
You are not going to be homeless, in Jesus’ name! God cares about your home and the roof over your head. God has a plan for you. He has a strategy to provide for you and to keep you safe. He is the ultimate husband. He is the ultimate provider. And he will keep his promise of protection, provision, and planning over your life. If you’re going through a divorce, or have been through a divorce, if you are a single parent trying to figure out how you’re going to keep a roof over your children’s heads, we are praying for you today.
Don’t be afraid. God has a plan! If you need people to pray with you and to encourage you, we are reaching out to you letting you know you are not alone!

In a recent prophetic word by Apostle Patricia King, the Lord has let us know that he is releasing a window for the acquisition of housing, remodeling, land, and securing real estate. But you can’t possess any of that if you are afraid of losing the roof over your head. So join us this Sunday, January 23 as we pray and decree the blessings of God over our lives. And as we come into agreement with his promises for provision and shelter.
So join us this Sunday, January 23 as we pray and decree the blessings of God over our lives. And as we come into agreement with his promises for provision and shelter.
A Prayer and Decree Session for overcoming the Fear of Homelessness
Sunday night January 23 7 PM CENTRAL TIME/ 8 EASTERN