WORDS have a scent …  … a smell. Some smell of death. Death words attract flies. They are the servants of Beelzebub or “lord of the flies” also known as lucifer. These flies hover around people who say things that produce death. Death of dreams, death of goals, death of life, death of hopes, death […]

“Broken Vessels Leak”

Turning Life’s Challenges into Ministry Opportunities This was an awesome event! Thanks to the women of Greater Middle Baptist Church for the warmth and hospitality.  Our session today was highly interactive! And your participation was outstanding! A special thank you to Mrs. Jo Bennett for making all this possible. For those who were unable to […]

Stella’s Rambling Moments…

Stella rambling moments… Just heard of another person out running one day last week, went home and had a massive heart attack and today was their funeral. 53 years old. Just got a major promotion on their job last month. Well loved in the community. It make me think. I walk. I run. I bike. […]