Chayil is Love

“The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.” ~G.K. Chesterton

Chayil is Love 11.13.15

Passion is fuel for love. There is no fire so hot as the heat blazing from the eyes of a mother fighting for the life of her child. She will do anything to protect that baby.

Or consider the athlete so passionate about her sport that she will sacrifice hour after hour day after day to achieve the needed physical strength to accomplish her goal. Passion permits her to push past the pain to the pleasure of the workout.

Or the revolutionary rebel fighting for the cause of freedom for their families and children. They would willing and joyfully die knowing that generations behind them will live free because of their passion.

Finally, consider Jesus who willingly endured the pain, humiliation and suffering of the cross for the joy that was set before him. (Hebrews 12:2) His passion was born out of the joyful anticipation of the good that would come to all humanity because of his sacrifice.

As I pondered the list of words that describe the CHAYIL life, love rises to the surface because true love is always born out of passion. It is the fuel that feeds flames and  the wind that blows force into the storm.

We only fight for what we are passionate about. And Love ignites passion. So what are you so passionate about that you would fight for? What do you love so deeply, that it resounds in your heart with a thunderous boom jarring you to take action?

Is it a cause?

Is it a relationship?

Is it a spiritual battle that you must launch?

Is it a physical struggle you have yet to overcome?

Write it down…

What is its opposite? What would it take to move from the issue to its resolved opposite?

Is your LOVE for change in that area passionate enough to empower you to create the change you desire?

Here is the good news, Love is a force that activates the change you wish. Love is fuel. Love is the patience you need to have with yourself as you strive to figure things out. Love is the kindness you can show others while you are working to create a solid floor under your relationship. Love is the strength of endurance to see things to the finish. Love is the passion that breathes oxygen into the lungs of your faith keeping it alive until the help you need shows up.

Love. Use it. Feel it stirring you to action. Be empowered by love.


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