Destiny requires a contradiction!
Recently, I read a post by a young lady who was locked in the bathroom crying because somethings she was doing just wasn’t working. She was frustrated. She was discouraged. And she didn’t know what to do next.
As a mature 50 something, I understood her pain. But I also know that it’s a part of the process that we all have to go through when we are moving from a false reality to exercising our creative authority and defining what the reality that is supposed to be. And then once we define it, we must say it until we see it. Our destiny requires a contradiction.
Of course you’re going to meet opposition when you try to do what is in your heart! Of course you going to experience opposition when you start that new business! Of course you’re not gonna get any clients the first time you launch! Of course people are going to say it will never happen! Of course! You are supposed to experience a contradiction. Without the contradiction, you wouldn’t be able to exercise the power of choice! You choose between believing that lie, or declaring what you know to be true in your heart.
Destiny requires a contradiction between who you are now and who you are becoming. As a creative force in the universe you get to decree what is supposed to happen. In between your declaration and the manifestation, you will experience the contradiction. There will appear a conflict between the things you say and the things you see. It will look like things are not going to work! It will look like you are going to fail. It will look like no one is going to believe in you. That is the contradiction! Your destiny requires this contradiction.
This is where you have to say out loud what is real!!! It is what you decree that becomes established. Job 22:28 (KJV)
Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways.
Words are our building blocks. And the words we speak out loud fall into place creating a foundation for what is going to exist. The circumstance you are living in now is based on things you have said in the past. And the life you will live tomorrow is being created by the words of your mouth today. What you cannot say you will not see.
The word ESTABLISH MEANS to make real.
ESTABLISH—set up (an organization, system, or set of rules) on a firm or permanent basis.
“ she had a established herself as an leader in the industry.”
Synonyms: set up, start, begin, get going, put in place, initiate, institute, form, found, create, bring into being, inaugurate, organize, lay the foundations of, build, construct, install, plant
The way you establish things begins in your thoughts. What are you thinking? And then it moved from your thoughts to what you say about your self. Never forget this truth, all things are created four times! First in your thoughts, second in your words, third when you write it down, and forth in reality. This is how it works folks! it’s how God does things! And we are created in his image and likeness so we have to follow his blueprint and do things the way he does.
This is a defining moment for you. This is the moment you have to make a decision. In this moment you have to choose between two realities. You choose between the reality you know in your heart and you choose between the reality you see before your eyes. You decide which one is the truth, and which one is a lie. And once you make the decision, you choose what you are going to say about it!
I challenge you to write your decree out loud — Define what is real and say it! Say it in the face of every lie you see. Because the reality — You See is a lie. And the reality you say SAY is the truth!
Exercise your power in the face of a contradiction!