Years ago I had the pleasure of working with an outstanding consultant name Rosalind Sago. One day I called her office and heard this quote,
“listening creates a holy silence were often the speaker can hear the truth within themselves.”
That message was profound. It was so significant that it’s stuck with me and still lives in my heart more than 25 years later. It became an anchor in my interpersonalskill sets. I started to work diligently to cultivate my listening skills. Which is not an easy task for someone who speaks as well and as often I do. But it changed my life.
“My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry. James 1:19”
Most conflicts happen because people aren’t listening to each other. Most disagreements happen because people haven’t heard each other. There are a number of great tools that we can put in our interpersonal skills arsenal that will make reaching others so much easier.
Effective Listening is one of them.