Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! In prayer this morning the Spirit of the Lord says most revivals start with a testimony! He says he is breathing fresh fire and anointing on testimonies of things that he has already done! The Lord says if you’ll just worship him for what he is already done, if you’ll just tell the story of what he has already brought you through,

This is the season of the fiery testimony! Fire from heaven is falling on your testimony! Fire from heaven is falling on what God has done for you! And he is about to do it again and again and again and again! He is about to do it again! So praise him now and tell your story!!
The Lord says to prepare your testimony! There are people waiting to be set free because of what God did for you! There are people waiting to be healed because of the way God healed you!
There are people waiting to be set free from drugs and addiction because of the testimony God gave you when he said, be free! Most revivals start on a testimony!
So go testify! Testify to the goodness of God! Tell of his miracles that he has done for you! Tale of how he saved your marriage! Tell the story of how he heals your child! Tell the story of how he brought you out of the darkness of depression! Tell your testimony!
There is an anointing on your testimony! There is a fire on your testimony! There is super natural deliverance on your testimony! It’s time for a testimony service on the streets, in the grocery store, on the bus, everywhere!
And the lord said, moreover I am about to give America a testimony! This nation will soon testify to this entire planet of the power of God and the glory of God, of the mercy of God and the goodness of God! Yes, America is about to have a serious testimony! And it is going to activate revival across this nation! Across this continent! Across this planet!
Yes it is time to testify! hallelujah! It is time to testify! The Lord says if you need a miracle, listen to a testimony! It will provoke your faith it will stir your heart! It will challenge you to believe God! It will revive your soul!
Here is my testimony. It’s an old one but a good one!!!
It’s time to testify!