Sometimes pain is like a stumped toe, you just have to pause and let the pain pass. But you know it’s gonna go away. But at that moment it can be intense and you feel like you cannot move. But God will hold you and he will keep you when you are frozen in place.
There is nothing you can go through that God’s comfort can’t reach. There is no test or challenge you can encounter that His love can’t embrace you through. So when you don’t know what else to do, just pause in place and let the pain pass at that moment. And once it’s over take a deep breath and give God thanks. Thank him for letting you make it through that painful moment.
Thank him for letting you open your eyes another day. Thank him for letting you take a deep breath and say thank you, Jesus. Whatever you do, don’t stop thanking him! That will help you while the pain is intense. And it will remind you that regardless of what you go through, God is still good! He is still faithful! He will bring YOU what you need, You will make it to the other side of this! And when you get through this, you will be like Moses ready to lead many others through a wilderness that you will have known all too well. You will know how to go in, and you will know how to get out!
Yes, there is a Moses in you! And you will come out of this wilderness! In the name of Jesus, you will make it out of this! We cover you with prayer and we decree the glory and the power that’s going to be upon you. So you press your way through! You press your way through!
Because God will never leave you! He will never turn his back on you. When you don’t know what to think, don’t think, SPEAK the word only! I will live and not die! God is with me and he will never leave me! Great is the faithfulness of God my redeemer! The Lord is on my side whom shall I fear!

I praise God for the peace that passes all understanding; in the name of Jesus, I received your peace, God! Don’t think! Speak the word only! If all you can do is whisper it, whisper it under your breath! If you feel like screaming, yell the word of God at the top of your lungs! But whatever you do, speak the word only!