Several days ago, A dear friend posted information on her page asking the question (in a round about way) is a chip the “mark of the beast?” Her question sparked a lively conversation about chipping people with micro technology. To chip or not to chip is the question that was on the minds of those who responded to the post. The scripture in reference comes from…
Revelations 13:16-18
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark , or the name of the beast , or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. KJV

Micro Chip Technology & You
And for those who have no knowledge of micro chipping technology, here are two articles about a company called VeriChip that manufactures human chip implant technology. It is interesting how far the technology has come in just a few years.
In 2006, my son did a research paper on VeriChip technology. At that time the company had only recently received the governmental go ahead to begin implanting chips in people. Now they are promoting implantation of medical information among other things. Their latest idea is to chip immigrants.
VeriChip Inserts Itself Into Immigration Debate
At any rate, as I was reading the post, Holy Spirit rose up in my mind. This is what HE said…
“The day will come when there will be a marked line between those who acknowledge (ACT ON THE KNOWLEDGE OF) the King of Kings and the Lord of Lord. There will be no gray area. It will be clear, acknowledge the Christ and you will not be allow to buy or sell. Deny him and you are accepted as “one of us” to the world. The choice of whom you will serve will be clear and unmistakable.
The enemy introduces compromise gradually. Compromise is the welcome mat of deception. “Today, it’s just a chip.” And like all deception, early “mild acceptance” is the introduction to eventual total buyin. The enemy casts a wide net. there are always those on the fringe who get swept into gradual deception.
The concentration camps of WW2 taught Jews that those who were at the center of the crowd had the greatest chance of survival. Those who were along the fringe were taken first. We all must ask ourselves, how close am I to the center with the King? Am I an early adopter of those things that draw me away from or pull me closer to the KING? How much am I walking with those who occupy the fringes of societal acceptance of things that could lead me to the OUTER edges of my RELATIONSHIP and commitment to HIM?”
My friend is an excellent writer, and though she drafted the question on her post to measure interest in the topic of chip implants. Here is what she had to say in a recent article on the subject.
The Microchip: Is the End Finally Here? by Jenna Newton.
In light if this insight, It is important to ask ourselves a few questions.
What will I do when confronted with a question about my relationship with Jesus Christ in a hostile environment?
Even now, do people know about Jesus by looking at my life?
Regardless of your beliefs right now, Eventually we will look up and all of us will have a Peter moment. We will all be challenged to stand up for the Jesus we love. Now is the time to pursue the faith and courage to stand in the day of trouble.