It is time to Plan. Prepare. Position. Produce.
A Prophetic Word by Stella Payton
There are many people who forfeited their last opportunity. There are many people who missed the last boat. There are many people who were too late to catch the last train. They were not ready for the last acceleration window. That is the last window of time for rapid advancement, the last open door, the last chance to launch into increase. And because they missed that window, for a season, they suffered loss, they endured hardship, they experienced lack. That window is over and that time is past.
Rejoice for a new window is on the horizon!
Be advised that 2020 will be the year of manifested breakthrough, revealed promises, realized opportunities! Bumper crops! Overflowing provision! But only for those who are in position! Only for those who are prepared, only for those who are tapped into my plan! Only for those who are ready to produce!
The Lord is saying today there is a new window of opportunity opening up. It will be a door enabling us to jump into position, launch into motion and advance into acceleration. It will be a short window! Like a comet in the air passing by —- you will have the opportunity to hop on and take off! So get ready. Align with my plan. Prepare. Position. Get ready to Produce!
Don’t miss your window! Don’t miss your opportunity! Focus on your relationship with ME! Break off constraining alliances. Leave confining atmospheres! Cleanse your soul of ties that bind you. Remove corrupt mindsets. Align yourselves with my agenda! Remove distractions! Obey my instructions! Listen to my voice! Look for my vision! For VISION is rarely a call to action, but it is always a call to preparation. Disconnect yourself from limiting circles and connect with those who are also rising! Reset your affections on me. Place your eyes on the prize so when the Lord says jump, you will move!

For those who accelerate, life will transition quickly and they will enter into an era of enormous increase for the advancement of the kingdom of God. The transfer is underway! The movement has begun! Resources are bursting forth!
Like a cloud above the heavens filled with rain for drylands; Build your CISTERNS NOW!
Like an ocean filled with fish; PREPARE YOUR NETS NOW!
Like freshly plowed farmland; SOW YOUR SEED NOW!
Like crop growing in the field; BUILD YOUR BARNS NOW!
For Isaac to reap 100 fold in a time of famine, he had to own the land!
For Joseph to receive his open door of opportunity, he had to be serving the butler and the baker.
For the Widow to be thrust into business selling oil, she had to have a house to store the oil in.
For Elijah to receive provision from the widow, he first had to leave the brook.
Preparation is an activator for timing. Jesus proved this reality when his mother instructed him to change the water into wine. His readiness encountered a problem that activated God’s timing.
For if you are aligned with my plans, if you are prepared, if you are in position; then your readiness will encounter a problem, situation, opportunity, open door, chance, shot, or occasion that will activate God’s timing.
The word of God implores us to hear the voice of his prophets so that we can prosper. To understand the seasons and the times we must recognize the anointing of Issachar.
2 Chronicles 20:20b Believe in the LORD your God, so shall ye be established; believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper. KJV
The window will soon open! Be ready to jump!