It is one thing to ask God for increased and expansion. But it is quite another to prepare for it in expectation. The word has been decreed that God is releasing expansion, increase, and he is enlarging our capacity. 2 Kings 4:2 tells the story of the widow woman whose sons were about to be sold into debtors slavery.
The prophet said to her, “go borrow vessels,” and “borrow not a few.” In other words, he was saying prepare with the largest degree of expectation you can find. In her case, it was the act of getting as many vessel to hold as much oil as possible. Our expectation determines the level of effort we apply to the task. I for one, realize that God is challenging me to expand my expectations. In reality, all of the opposition I have experienced over the past several years is Gods way of saying, “ if I am stretching you. It is because I am making you BIGGER!”
We must prepare to hold more! We must enlarge our vision so we can see more. And we must enlarge our capacity so we can do more.
Translate those three sentences into actions. For example, financial preparation In being able it hold more could be making sure that you have investment, savings, banking and other financial storage portals. Also, being able to move money from liquid to alternative financial states quickly. Understand and utilize new financial portals, Apple Pay, BitCom, etc. etc. these are all tools that we must understand in this new economy. People who are limited by checks and bank deposits are in the financial dark ages.
Enlarging our vision means getting a vision of your potential at its grandest state. That is the biggest image of your potential that your imagination can hold. What is the greatest thing you can visualize God accomplishing through your life? Write that vision down in plain English then set goals and action steps around it. It doesn’t matter how it’s going to happen, what matters is that you can see it.
The final sentence is about increasing our capacity so that we can perform better and do more. In some instances it means you may need to take an additional class. In other instances it may mean that you need to understand performance competencies like communication skills, thinking skills, leadership skills, etc. if we can increase our ability to perform, we can also enlarge our capacity to do more—And do it more effectively.
Increase without expansion in the inner being will often crush you. It is like a plant that grows leaves and branches too quickly. They grow before the root system develops. So they have a beautiful top, but when the fruit start to manifest and appear, the plant dies because the root system was not sufficient to support exponential growth.
So does your current root system have the capacity to support the vision you see?