Green Graces Chayil Bracelet Sets

Please note that every bracelet design is different. Beads, stones, and crystals may vary. Sizes vary slightly due to bead size. Designs are fully stretchable. The contracted band size is 7.3 inches to 7.7 inches. Bead sizes 8 – 10 MM and 6 – 8 MM.
This design is new for 2021. Each color holds a message for us to take to heart. The Green Grace collection is themed by the colors green, black, and metallic silver. These colors speak to the regenerative nature of restoration and renewal. The color green in the Bible is associated with everlasting life, growth, and fertility. Green speaks to the fruitfulness of our lives when we are under the influence of the spirit of God.
These colors also speak of God’s heart for us. Green comes from mixing yellow and blue. Blue symbolizes water and the word. And yellow speaks to overcoming hardships, trials, and opposition. When you combine yellow and blue, you get the fruit of Revelations 12:11. 11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; they loved not their lives unto the death. I believe that is our faith verse for 2021!
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