A number of years ago, I was standing in line at the grocery store and saw a lady in front of me parceling out her purchases trying to see if she had enough money to cover everything. I was moved to just pay for her whole purchase. It wasn’t a lot of money. Probably not even $50. But for her it made all the difference between being able to get the food she needed and purchase some medication for her husband.
We take so much for granted thinking the little extra we have won’t matter but it does. In this day and age, it is so important to do something for somebody! You may not be able to do everything you want to do, but you can do something for somebody who needs it. Whether it’s purchasing groceries, giving someone a ride to a store, reading a story to a child, whatever God puts in your heart to do. Just do something to make life better for somebody.
Don’t let the deception that you can’t do what you wanna do be an excuse for not doing anything. Let’s stop and look around us and see who needs something. Everybody has something to give to someone who needs it.