Renewing the 6 Faculties of your Mind
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Romans 12:2
When the Scriptures in Romans 12:2 tell us to be transformed by the renewing of our mind, it doesn’t explain that the mind has six different faculties. Furthermore, it doesn’t indicate which of those faculties is the one that needs to be renewed at any point in time. What are the six faculties? They are imagination, intuition, will, perception, memory, and reason. Most often church environments limit renewing the mind to its focus on memorization of scripture. But there is so much more to learn on this subject.
To renew is to make new by changing the form something is in. We can change the shape and form of our thoughts. We can move them from one realm to another. We can think from heaven to earth. Or we can think from earth to heaven. All of these are examples of the directions thought can move in. The only thing that remains is for us to decide WHAT thoughts will be moving?
Transformation means to move across forms. It is moving across form as in one visible image to another (imagination). It is moving across form as in one configuration (like a creative idea taking shape) to another. Transform— across forms. So let’s put that into perspective.
Our ability to move from one form to another, depends on how well our mind is renewed in different areas. For example, Can you see yourself seated in heavenly places? Can you see yourself debt free? Can you see yourself as a homeowner? Can you visualize yourself in possession of the things you desire? This kind of visualization requires not only faith but also imagination. This is just one example of using the faculties of our mind. Want to know more? Use the download link below to get your copy of Renewing the 6 Faculties of Your Mind.