Rise Up Oh Warrior
Do not believe the lie.
You are not getting weaker, you are growing stronger.
You are not getting smaller. You are growing larger.
You are not afraid. You are courageous.
You are not timid. You are bold.
You are not falling behind. You are advancing.
You are not losing ground. You are gaining territory.
Moreover, the enemy lies. He is trying to get you to stop pressing forward. He is trying to get you to stop harassing the gates of hell with your prayers and intercession. He knows you are about to discover how much power you have. He knows you are about to learn just how much God is depending on you to trust him to see you through this battle to the end.
Although, the road has been long and the way hard, each labored step, your endurance has increased.
With each labored breath, your spiritual capacity has grown by leaps and bounds.
With each tear you have shed, your resolve to see the goodness of God in the land of the living has increased.
With each passing minute, you are one moment closer to the breakthrough you have fought for and labored for and prayed for and cried for.
Therefore, now is no time to quit.
Graham Cooke Rise Up Oh Warrior…
In spite of the difficulty, now is the time to press into God for another wind. Now is the time to raise your hand in worship to the God of your strength. Now is the time to cry, “He teaches my hands to war!”
Even though your mouth is dry, Now is the time to scream the war cry, “Bless the Lord, my rock, who teaches my hands how to fight, who taught my fingers how to do battle!” And with the passion of faith in a Father who refuses to let you lose, go after the enemy with a sword of tongue that destroys him with the PROMISES of GOD.
Regardless of your tiredness, now is the time to birth the heart of a warrior knowing that he is your loving God and your fortress, your stronghold and your deliverer. Now is the time to know that you know that you know HE is your shield. He is the one in whom you take refuge.

For all that, you long to stop but now is the time to realize that no warrior goes to battle for the KING alone. For he has given his angels charge over you to keep you in all your ways. No evil shall come to happen to you.
To this end, you must stand strong for now is the time to DECREE “God YOU said!” It is time to war with the promises of God and to fight with the words of your mouth. Now is the time to realize that you are powerful for he gives power to the faint. Now is the time to know that when you have no might he increases your strength.
Now is the time to know that even youths shall faint and be weary, and young men shall fall: but you will not FALL for you will wait upon the LORD.
Even though you feel tired, now is the time for you to be strengthened.
Even though your thoughts say quit, laugh out loud and rejoice! Knowing that his JOY in you fuels your HEART!
Therefore, press forward for you will not be weary you will walk the roads of victory and you shall not faint.
Even though your body tires, now is the time to feel him renew your strength.
Even though your arms may ache, now is the time to spread wide your wings and soar like an eagles.
Even though your fingers may tremble, now is the time to weld your sword and when the enemy thinks he has you down…
Notwithstanding, Dear Warrior, now is the time to run head on into battle. Alas, now is the time to deal the DEATH blow to this ENEMY and you will see this enemy no more.
At last, It is the Lord God strong and mighty who goes with you.
Now is the time to rejoice in battle array. For God is your God. Now is the time to Worship the Lamb who is your salvation. Now is to time to rest in battle for Holy Spirit is your comfort and helper and with these three you CANNOT LOSE and you WILL NOT FAIL.
Rise up oh WARRIOR and enter into your day of victory…