Hey you! Stop sitting around moaning about not having anything to do. Stop bemoaning the fact that nobody is giving you an opportunity to use your gifts! Stop feeling sad that you are on the sidelines, backwoods or bench of “ministry.”

Here is the reality, all the negative emotions you are feeling now are most likely your ego crying out to be seen and your soul is longing for affirmation and validation. Those things need to be rooted in your love for GOD (and in HIS LOVE FOR YOU) not in a need to be affirmed by people. The word of God talks about your gifts making room for you. That means the people who need you, will be drawn to you.
When we are really committed to serving the kingdom, we serve where ever there is a need. We serve where our gifts are valued & appreciated–not ignored. Somebody needs you. It most likely is NOT the people YOU are used to and (subconsciously) want to impress. It will not be the people you have walked with thus far. But it will be people GOD hand PICKED to connect you with so you could grow, they could be blessed and HE COULD GET THE GLORY out of watching his CHILDREN connect in powerful meaningful ways. So get up and go find somebody to serve! The odds are they have been looking for you! Love ya!