Far too many people are wasting way too much time fighting battles that should have been over a long time ago. Scriptures tell us that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, they’re not flesh made weapons. But they are mighty when deployed through God so that you can pull down the strongholds that are in your way.

Just because the enemy wants to fight, doesn’t mean you have to show up for battle. Sometimes ignoring the enemy is the best thing you can do. Let him take all of his tools of war to a battlefield and no one shows up. Instead use your energy to create something new and build on your own territory.
Another great battle strategy is to hide. God promises us that we can hide in the secret place of the most high under the shadow of his wings. How amazing it is when the enemy wants to fight and can’t find you!
And one of my favorite weapons of warfare, it’s to rest. Instead of being caught in high anxiety over things that probably don’t even matter, you rest. Instead of staying up late at night wondering what are you going to do, you go to sleep knowing that God is faithful and what he promised he will perform.
The enemy shows up for battle, and you stand your ground and just laugh your way into a joy filled tizzy! Because you know the enemy is defeated. He has already lost the battle. How do you know? It’s because another strategy is to look at the battlefield from Gods perspective. You are seated with Christ in heavenly places, far above principalities, powers, and rulers of darkness in heavenly places. You are with Christ and he already fought the battle and has granted you to victory. So now you don’t have to fight a battle, you just have to stand your ground far above the enemies head!
Oh and by the way, here’s one more great way to defeat the enemy. The enemy dwells in darkness. Don’t look for him in darkness! Just turn on the light! Darkness is dismissed when we turn on the light. And since we are light, just show up and shine!