These are exciting times! God is unfolding his vision and manifesting promises to us in amazing ways! God is good. He is merciful, full of compassion and only feels love for us. Right now it may be hard to see that. But you can see it, If you are attentive and not distracted by the delusional twisted messengers of a lying media, you will see how the pieces of his prophetic plans are coming together like a puzzle. And they are giving us lots to be JOYFUL and EXCITED about! So tune out the deceptive messages and listen to what God is saying. Refocus yout attention on the Goodness of God!
“These things I have spoken to you, that Myjoymay remain in you,
and that your joymaybefull. John 15:11
Yes these are sobering times but God wants us full of JOY because our life and HOPE is in Him. There are many reasons to be full of JOY, but you have to look to God and listen to the voice of his prophets to engage with the Kingdom. How do you do that? Here is an example of what that looks like and it starts by believing in the goodness of God. Then you have to change what you are listening to.
For Example, Last Sunday, I was listening to this message by Pastor Tim Sheets as he was teaching on the Finishing Anointing. God is finishing the work of preparing his Ecclesia-the church for a major end-time move. We are a part of that and we all have a role to play. Believe that! Settle it in your heart.
In this message, he describes a dream by Apostle Ken Malone about the release of the GOODNESS of God. In the dream, the word GOODNESS was flashing all around and getting brighter and brighter. It was a flashing “sign.” One of the manifestations or “signs” of the Chayil Anointing is the overwhelming flow of the GOODNESS nature of God. This was the first time I had heard anyone else teach or talk about the role of God’s GOODNESS in the end-time harvest. I got so excited because God is making his body a “sign” and a wonder by releasing his GOODNESS through us. That is the 11th manifestation of the Chayil Anointing. 11) It produces results that release the goodness nature of God.”
This got me so excited! It is Romans 8:28 coming alive! We are assured and know that [God being a partner in their labor] all things work together and are [fitting into a plan] for good to and for those who love God and are called according to [His] design and purpose.
I believe that God is merging two very important passages for us to internalize and get excited about in this hour. We have to shift our focus away from what the enemy is trying to do and begin to imagine what things will look like when the goodness of God leads people to repentance en-mass! Romans 2:4 and Habakkuk 1:5.
Do the riches of his extraordinary kindness make you take him for granted and despise him? Haven’t you experienced how kind and understanding he has been to you? Don’t mistake his tolerance for acceptance. Do you realize that all the wealth of his extravagant kindness (GOODNESS) is meant to melt your heart and lead you into repentance? Romans 2:4 TPT
“Look among the nations and watch—Be utterly astounded! For I will work a work in your days Which you would not believe, though it were told you. Habakkuk 1:5
Ask yourself what does this look like unfolding in my life, my city, my state and my nation? That is what the Chayil Anointing is designed to do in you. It helps you access the ability to use the 6 faculties of your renewed mind and partner with God to create an alternate reality NOT that the one satan wants to unfold. Through dreams and visions, God has allowed us to see what the enemy wants to do. Now we can partner with God to see his higher plan and come into alignment with THAT VISION!
Last year I wrote a book called Becoming Chayil. In it, I defined the meaning of the word Chayil and we outlined the characteristics this anointing or divine ability manifests. What is Chayil? It is an anointing. It is a divine ability that is especially suited for the marketplace. It operates at a higher frequency of wisdom and allows you to utilize different types of thinking.
It enables us to see problems uniquely in order to solve them more creatively. Its influence is seen in every one of the 7 mountains of culture. It is a mystery that is unfolding in our time so that we can increase in wealth and resources in order to establish the kingdom of God in the earth. A person can recognize the Chayil Anointing operating in your life and in the lives of others by observing the 12 indicators or manifestations listed here. One of them is the Goodness of God.
Here is a list of all 12 Manifestations of the Chayil Anointing. Manifestation is that which is produced, displayed and revealed in you and through you.
1) It activates an internal metamorphosis through a God encounter. (You can’t fake it).
2) It grants access to God’s divine nature. You see and experience who God is.
3) It flows in partnership with the Holy Spirit.
a. It manifests praying in the Holy Ghost.
b. It validates and confirms Jesus Christ who is the Son of God. 1 John 4:1-4
4) It operates under the influence of the fruit of the Spirit.
5) It operates in harmony with the Spirit of Wisdom.
6) It activates a warrior’s mindset.
7) It identifies resources for wealth building that is unique to each believer.
8) It increases the capacity to function effectively especially in the marketplace.
9) It operates in every mountain of culture.
10) It provides the (Koach) POWER. e.g. vigor, force, capacity, strength, adaptability, and flexibility that is required to obtain, retain, maintain, sustain, and reproduce the wealth & resources of the marketplace.
11) It produces results that release the “goodness of God.”
12) Its results set in motion influence for the kingdom of God thereby increasing our impact in the earth.
As a believer, you have access to this anointing! You can tap into that stream of creative thought! You can partner with God! You can pray, decree and change outcomes. This is a JOYFUL season! Because in the end, WE WIN!