” I grew up knowing about confessing the word. But at times, something wasn’t working. There were gaps and holes in my faith. One of those gaps was understanding the power of decrees. I discovered that decrees are not just confessing the word of God. “
“Decrees are tools to frame your life.”
I was just remembering that this time last year, I was on my way home from my internship with Patricia King Ministries! So AWESOME!!! That was one of the most significant and powerful events of my life. I learned so much! There were many gaps in my walk with God that need to be filled and many dots that were not connected.
One of those gaps was the power of decrees. I grew up knowing about confessing the word. But at times, something wasn’t working. I discovered that decrees are not just confessing the word of God. It is a combination of using your mental faculties (imagination, intuition, perception, memory, will and reason) to visualize what you desire, emotionally connect with it, assign a description to it, write it down, attach it to a scriptural promise and then allow God to transform our inner images (thoughts / beliefs/ values) into what we are DECREEING.
Job 22:28 says, Thou shall also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways. KJV
What is the power of decrees?
Many people are quoting this passage, but are not making the connection about what it means to “decree a thing.” We think of decree in the context of making a statement. That is partly accurate but not complete in meaning. So we go around saying, “I decree and declare this! I decree and declare that!” Most often, there are few results associated with what they are saying. To fully understand this word you have to examine four languages the Hebrew, Aramaic, Latin and English.
Aramaic is pictorial. Hebrew is an ancient Aramaic language rooted in PICTURES. It is more visual and less verbal in its design. Decree in Hebrew is gazar OT:1504 gazar (gaw-zar’);. It is the picture of “to cut down or cut off or to destroy, divide, exclude, or decide. What that means is this. Once you DECIDE on something, you then reject all other options. So when you are “saying” one thing, you are simultaneously CUTTING OFF ALL OTHER OPTIONS that oppose or contradict what you just said.
Thus, to decree something, in the Hebrew mindset it to remove all other options from your mind. It is to cut off those contradicting IMAGES in your MIND. It is to snatch away old memories that existed before your decree. It is to divide FACTS from TRUTH (REASON) and to intentionally CHOOSE to ACT on the TRUTH (WILL) of your DECREE.
“I am learning to utilize the power of decrees in every area of life intentionally. I define what I want a thing to look like as best as my imagination allows, and then use that image to construct a new picture that I can pray into and believe God for.”
Power of Decrees: Healing

How decrees work
Here is an example. Let’s say a person had the disease of high blood pressure. One day, they decide, “I do not want to take medication for the rest of my life. I want to lose weight so I can get healthier.” Getting healthy is the decision. So they go to the word of God and read. “With long life He will satisfy me and show me his salvation.” Psalms 91:16. That is the promise from God. Now the option of dying early comes off the table. The person has to consciously cut off all other options. Those options exist in the mind, in the spirit, and in the natural. He has to change what he is thinking, he has to deal with what has happened in the spirit, and he has to change his behaviors in the natural.
He can no longer say think thoughts that take ownership of high blood pressure saying things like “I have to watch MY HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE!” He has to address the generational curse of high blood pressure in the spirit. And in the natural, over eating is not an option anymore. A sedentary life style is no longer an option. And the inner image of a healthy body with long life has to be created. God has given him a promise but he has to choose to act on the truth. And his ability to act on the truth depends on how the power of decrees has been able to activate that inner transformation process. That is where our emotions come in. Decrees made with intense emotion and punctuated with feeling, get pushed from the CONSCIOUS mind into the SUBCONSCIOUS faster and with greater force.
Power of Decrees: A decree has to have the element of emotion attached to in order to produce what you desire.
So we see how the Aramaic and Hebrew work. What about the Latin? Latin is the language of the Greeks. The word decree had two root words decre, decret, from Latin decretum ‘something decided,’ from decernere ‘decide.’ The Greeks were a verbal intellectual culture. So the word means when you made a decree, you made a decision.
Earlier I stated that making decrees are not just confessing the word of God. It is a combination of using your “mental faculties” (imagination, intuition, perception, reason, memory and will) to 1) visualize what you desire, (imagination) 2) emotionally connect with it (intuition) 3) assign a description to it, (reason) 4) write it down and act on it (will) 5) then attach it to a scriptural promise. This understanding allows you to make decrees with INTENTIONALITY. Without this process your faith, can be HIT or MISS! And that is so frustrating. 6) Each of the previous actions will activate the inner transformation process. It is literally like building blocks being put in place.
You are constructing a spiritual house that holds your healthy blood pressure.
Hebrews 11:3 says, through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear. KJV
The key words here are FRAMED, WORD, THINGS, SEEN, and DO APPEAR. When you are making a decree, you are FRAMING or constructing something in the earth using a Heavenly standard to build. The WORD is your building material. The THINGS which are SEEN are what you imagine as possible by faith. God says YES you can have this house! He gives you access to his supply room. But you have to define what shape it will take and what supplies you will incorporate into your “house.” Just as in building a house, there are different qualities of materials such as wood, steel straw and mud. All of these will build a house. But do you want a mud house or a wood framed house? Do you want a 1 bedroom or a 5 bedroom? And the words DO APPEAR let us know that faith IS a substance but it is not physical. You can’t see it with your eyes. Now we have to attach OUR WORDS (descriptions of what you want) to GODS WORD and FRAME how we want a particular thing in life to be.
Using the power of decrees, we define how our health will look. We define how our finances will look. We define how our ministries, communities, etc will take shape based on how we combine our words (stated vision) with God’s WORD. Our words determine what will be built, the quality it will have, how it will look, its monetary value etc. Words define everything.
Job 22:28 says, Thou shall also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways. KJV
With this scripture, God gives us permission to use our mental faculties to create or FRAME our world with DECREES. We can bring to mind the promises of God (MEMORY). We have the ability to examine all past circumstances (REASON) then eliminate the ones we don’t want. We have the authority to decide (WILL) and SAY what we do want using our words. We can use our IMAGINATION to think about things that don’t exist and create mental pictures of what could be.
Renewing your mind requires use of all six of your mental faculties including memory, will, reason, perception, imagination and intuition.
When someone tells you, “You just need to renew your mind?” This process is what they mean, but most likely, they could never explain it to you. This is the mechanical process that happened when you choose to live by faith. Abraham believed God and it was accounted unto him as righteousness. Why, because Abraham learned to see what was possible based on what God said. He learned to think about what he wanted based on what God promised. He used the power of visualization (go look at the stars and see how many children will come from you). He took action and walked to the top of a mountain to visually claim the territory God promised him. And He used all the faculties of his mind to create the world that God saw for him. This is how you use the word of God to construct (DECREE) or FRAME the world you live in.
“We can exercise the power of decrees in every area of life. Here are decrees I wrote for my customers who buy Chayil Bracelets. They can speak these words over the people they are purchasing bracelets for. Everything we do should bring glory to the kingdom of God. ”

What do you need to construct in your life? Is it better health? Is it a better relationship with your children? Do you need a financial breakthrough? Everything you desire begins with a declaration. Remember the kingdom of God is VOICE ACTIVATED and THOUGHT CREATED.
Putting what you just learned to work
An exercise
Choose one area in your life that you want to activate change. Write down everything you dislike about that area. Let’s say, for example, you hate your job and want another one.
List all the things wrong about your job. E.g. it doesn’t pay enough money. It is too far from your home. It doesn’t allow you time with your family. Etc. Now number the list 1 to ___ whatever. After you have written down everything you can think of that you dislike about your job, start with number 1 and ask, “What is the opposite of this?” The opposite of number 1 in this example is a job that pays more money. Now ask, what does the WORD of God say about resources? Find a scripture in the WORD that promised
One of my favorites for finances is Psalms 84:11 for the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord will give grace and glory; no good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly. This is your promise. Now you have to decide, how much money do you need? Use your imagination. What would it look like to have enough money to pay all your bills? How would you feel? How would your spouse feel? What could you do for your loved ones? How much money would it take to create that reality? Assign a number to it. Is it an additional $1000 a month? $500? You name that amount.
Now let’s write a decree to fit it. “I decree according to Psalms 84:11 that God withholds nothing from me. Lord I thank you for an additional $1000 a month in income.” Write this down in a prayer journal. This is the FRAME for this new income. This is what you pray in the spirit about. You ask for a strategy to get that increase in income. As you pray, you are building a spiritual structure inside you to contain this NEW increase.
Now this next step is where people often drop the ball. Now you have to listen to Holy Spirit for instructions. During your prayer time, you might hear something like go sign up for a particular class, call a certain company to see if they have openings, or go apologize to your boss for being insubordinate or go to a job fair, or take your craft items and buy a book table at XYZ conference. It can be any number of instructions. But the point is you will have to listen to Holy Spirit and act on what he tells you to do. Why, because God is relational. He does things to create opportunities to build co-laboring relationships with us. He loves interacting with his children. Let’s look at Job 22:28 again.
Thou shall also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways. KJV The second part of that passage is “and the light shall shine upon thy ways.
Many Christians like to think that because they believe in God they can take lots and lots of shortcuts. They don’t understand that character, values, attitudes, thought systems, beliefs etc. all must align or agree with the nature, character and ways of God. These things are a part of “walking uprightly.” The phrase “and the light shall shine upon thy ways” is pointing to this process.
Let’s use the example of the “better job” again. Whenever a person doesn’t have the income they want, there are reasons for that. It could be that they lack education, they may be undisciplined, they may have character issues that have not been addressed. The only way the person can get beyond this impasse in life is by having illumination. They need the light of God to shine upon these issues so they can SEE (PERCEPTION) what the real problem is.
Perception comes with illumination.
Recently, I had a conversation with a young man who had eight jobs in one year. I explained to him that the issue was not finding a job. His issue was recognizing why he couldn’t keep one. He had a major problem with blaming other people for his lack of character development. In essence, he needed the light of God to shine upon his ways! This young man needed the illumination of Job 22:28 in his life. He needed to recognize why he wasn’t prospering. Along with insight as to what he can do about it.
Then he needed to understand that these issues have to be brought to the cross in the spirit realm first. Furthermore, there are new skills that must be cultivated and mastered in the natural. You don’t need to manage anger. You bring it to the cross, repent for sin, deal with the spirit of anger. And then you master techniques that teach how to interact with people using the fruit of the Spirit. You learn techniques in relating to people by exercising the fruit of love, Joy, peace, patience, temperance, long-suffering, etc.
These are your “ways.” Ways in the Hebrew is (OT:1870) derek (deh’-rek). It indicates several things 1) a road or path we take in life. 2) a direction or a course of life. 3) or mode of action. These tell us that there are times when we need wisdom about how to go about a specific thing. But this word derek also means manner of being or customary way of being. In other words, how we act and behave. God wants to shine his light upon our path as well as our ways. He wants us to see where we are going as well as how we BEHAVE along the way.
As we act on these instructions, the things we are DECREE will first take shape inside us. Then they will be created in the faith realm and eventually, they will manifest in the natural. This is how decrees work. As I stated early (in this long article), I had gaps in my faith when I went to My XP Internship. This understanding was the single most significant revelation I got from Patricia King. It has transformed my life! I am praying with greater results and far less frustration.
When things are not connecting, I can trace these steps and figure out why. I can draw lines between the dots in my faith. And by the way, If you want to learn more about the Power of Decrees, this is LESSON 5 of the Glory School.
So now, go make some decrees! Congratulations, you are on your way to creating the life you want!