In recent days, I have felt a stronger pull to pray. To pray for our nation, for our leaders, for our president and for people I love and care about. But this morning, there was an especially fervent flavor to my prayer time! I am sensing an urgency in the spirit.
The River is Rising! The River is Rising!
There is an undercurrent that indicates a movement of the Spirit that is on its way like a dam has broken far up a mountain and the water is on its way! As I prayed this morning, I heard an urgency with a powerful warning behind it.

So as you read these words, please do so soberly. Ask Holy Spirit WHERE AM I OUT OF LINE WITH YOU IN MY ATTITUDE, THOUGHTS, HEART, WORDS AND ACTIONS! Then make the necessary adjustments and Get in LINE! This is what I heard Holy Spirit say…
Fall in line! Fall in line! Fall in line! Says the Lord! For you have entered a season where my movements will be swift like a river! You must fall in line and ride the tide of my anointing that I am releasing into the earth. And yes, I am releasing it into this nation. Get on board! Get on board! Get on board! For like a river I will swiftly roll over the landscape of your life, family, communities, and nation! Like a flood! Like a flood! Like a flood! I am coming swiftly! Prepare! Prepare! Prepare! For the water level is rising! The water level of my anointing is rising!
The river is coming! The river is coming! The river is rising out of your inner man, says the Lord! There will be many salvations swept in on the river!
There will be many healings swept in by the river! They will be much provision swept in by the river! There will be much FIRE POWER swept in by the river! Answers to life long prayers are being swept in by the river! Great open doors are being swept in by the river! City transformations are being swept in by the river. For the river is flowing out of the bellies of those who would dare to agree with me.
There will be many healings swept in by the river! They will be much provision swept in by the river! There will be much FIRE POWER swept in by the river! Answers to life long prayers are being swept in by the river! Great open doors are being swept in by the river! City transformations are being swept in by the river. For the river is flowing out of the bellies of those who would dare to agree with me.
So check your tongue, watch your mouth and guard your heart! For what you say you will see! And like the Kings servant who refuse to believe the words of the prophet when he told them that by the end of the day that would be such an abundance in the land that there would be too much for the people to consume. He refused to believe. He spoke idle words of doubt in a spirit of disbelief. And so he died without receiving the blessings promised by the words of the prophet manifested in his life. (2 Kings 7)
Check your tongue and watch your mouth says the Lord! You must fast a spirit of negativity! You must draw back from speaking idle and impotent words. Hold back words of condemnation, judgment and damnation towards the leader that I have permitted over this land! For many of my people are not wise in this hour. For many of my people are
participating with the enemy. For you say of your leader he’s foolish! He is mad! He is this and he is that! Have I not said, that I will take the foolish things of this world to confound the wise. I say he is my chosen! I say he is my choice! For promotion comes from the Lord! I have ordained this leader! So to condemn your leaders is to condemn my actions, Says the Lord. There is a purpose and there is a plan for my anointing that is up on this man! And if you will get on the river you will see.
participating with the enemy. For you say of your leader he’s foolish! He is mad! He is this and he is that! Have I not said, that I will take the foolish things of this world to confound the wise. I say he is my chosen! I say he is my choice! For promotion comes from the Lord! I have ordained this leader! So to condemn your leaders is to condemn my actions, Says the Lord. There is a purpose and there is a plan for my anointing that is up on this man! And if you will get on the river you will see.
And for my people who refuse to watch your mouth, check your tongue, and guard your heart, I will have no choice but to allow your own words to cut you out like a cancer and remove you from the place where I put you. If you persist in speaking idle words, every idle word that you speak, you shall give account in the day of judgment. And your own idle words will write the sentence by which you will condemn yourself. (Matthew 12:36-37)
So come! Come now! Get in line! Watch your mouth! Check your tongue! And guard your heart! For the river is rising!! The river is rising! The river is rising! So pray, decree and agree with me!!
Guard your heart so you can feel what I am feeling! Check your tongue; so you can say what I am saying. Protect your eyes, so you will be able to see what I am seeing! Then you will be able to do what I am doing! And you will be able to go where I am going! Come! Come! And ride the river with me!
For you if you fail to check your tongue, watch your mouth, and guard your heart you will be removed swiftly by the river and that without warning. Flow with the river or be swept away by the river. The choice is yours, says the Lord.