This is a powerful law of the universe.
It is Better-known as “What is down today, will be up tomorrow.”
As I think back over my life remembering the times when I have had extreme challenges, this law is one thing that kept me putting one step in front of the other when I just wanted to give up. There have been times when I felt so down and so discouraged. But what I’ve learned in subsequent years, is that you may be down today but the law of the universe demands that the cycle of life MUST eventually bring you back up.
No matter how deep your sorrow, how tragic your pain, how great your loss, if we hang on long enough and we stay focused on the goodness of God; we will eventually experience a joy, love and excitement equal to the depth of our pain, hurt and loss. So if you are in a season where pain seems unending; If you are in a season where discouragement seems constant; If you are in a season where it feels as if you will never come out of the darkness of the fog; Just remember the law of the seed of equivalent benefit.
This law demands that goodness and blessing must be returned to you in equal measure to your pain, suffering and loss. The law demands that you receive good, love, healing; all the blessings God has promised, must come to you in equal or greater proportion to your pain. Where you have experienced loneliness there is a joy of connection waiting for you. There are passages in the word of God which reinforces this principle. One of them says all things work together for the good of them who are in Christ Jesus who are the called according to his purposes. It also says, weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning. And finally, it says, Let us not get weary in doing right for we shall reap if we faint not. We will reap the seed of equivalent benefit.
One last thing, if you know someone going to through a particularly difficult time. Maybe they have lost their job and they are discouraged. Maybe they’ve lost a loved one and they’re lonely. Maybe they have lost their way in life and they’re trying to find their path back to a good future. Don’t tear down a person who’s already down. Don’t wound a soldier who’s already hurt. This is the time for you to sow a seed into your own future by encouraging others.
This is your opportunity to weep with them that weep or morn with them that morn. Because one day you will be weeping and you will need someone to be there for you. I will never forget the loving encouraging words from one of my dearest friends. It was shortly after the loss of my mother. I had lost a valuable position with a company that I loved. I had lost my entire business team and many friends in the process. It was a very dark, lonely and lost season for me.
One of the ways I pursue healing in my own heart is too write. So in this time when I felt lost; I started writing again. It was my devotional A Word in Season. I remember sharing an excerpt with a dear friend, Lisa on her birthday. It was one of those life-affirming moments. As I read to her, Her words were so encouraging and challenging.
She said, “Stella you have to finish this book! Promise me that you will not stop until you finish this book!” We sat there crying on the phone. But I promised. And I kept that promise. In That moment. Lisa gave me a powerful gift. It was the gift of an encouraging word. It was the gift of affirming my talent and ability. It was a gift that says you are valuable. You matter and yes you will make a difference once again. That gift was the emotional fuel I needed to finish that book!
Because of her words; I’m still writing today working on yet another book. You never know how your words can create the future for someone else. So if your loved one is broken, feeling lost, unemployed, trying to launch out into some new venture that might or might not succeed; Don’t tell them they are a failure. Dont tell them all the things that will not work.
Dont remind them of all the things they have done that did not succeed, don’t beat them down by saying how BIG YOU ARE AND how little they are. Don’t point out all you do to make them feel small and invaluable. To diminish someone else is to create a smaller you, Instead, Whatever you do, DO IT AS UNTO THE LORD. Do only what is in your heart. Let your actions be a gift to God.
Your friend, spouse, family member cannot pay you back right now. But rest assured, one day the tide will turn and they will be up and you will be down. May your seeds return to help you then.