The world needs a bigger you.

This week I realized how much the world needs a bigger you. In the last two weeks, I have been on the road experiencing what I would describe as soul-expanding encounters. It wasn’t just an encounter with God, it was an encounter with God through amazing people. God speaks to us in lots of ways. One of the most prominent ways he communicates with us is by sharing his dream for us through the eyes of other people.
I have lots of things on my vision board. But the two most important things that were on my vision board for the start of 2020 were attending the 2020 New Beginnings Conference in Dallas Texas. I knew that the event was a game-changer for me. I also knew that I needed to be at the Billionaire Weekend for Women in Austin Texas.
Quite honestly I didn’t know how I was going to manage either of these trips. But as a friend said, “if it’s God‘s will, it’s God’s bill.” And God supernaturally provided for both of these events. Looking back I see why it was so important for me to be in both places.
When God gives you a vision of something he wants you to do, most of the time your soul is not large enough to accommodate the size of that vision. When you receive the assignment, you can expect to be launched into a season of soul expansion. You have to grow to accommodate the vision.
It’s just like a woman when she finds out she’s pregnant. She knows she’s going to have a baby but her body has to grow to accommodate the size of the child. So her body adapts and adjusts as the baby enlarges. It’s the same way with a vision from God. Our soul has to grow and adapt and adjust to the size of the vision. That’s what happened to me this past weekend. My inner image was enlarged. Kinda like Jabez.
1 Chronicles 4:10 And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with me, and that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me! And God granted him that which he requested.
There’s something powerful about sitting in a room with people whose souls have expanded to accommodate Two Soccer World Championships (Jill Ellis); Others Whose souls had expanded to accommodate running a $40 million company; Yet even others whose souls had expanded to grow global organizations that impact hundreds of millions of people.
Quite honestly, sitting in that atmosphere I felt small. I encountered an emotion called imposter syndrome. That is where you question whether you are supposed to be in that environment or not. It’s a feeling as if you don’t belong. And yet, I know God placed me in that room for a reason.
When I arrived back home after my two weeks of travel, all I could do was to sleep for the first few days. I knew my soul had been expanded. I came home and looked at my vision board and thought, wow, that is way too small. Because God doesn’t want us large for our good, he wants our soul to be expanded so he can accomplish more through us. That’s why the world needs a bigger you.
Looking back over the past few years with the challenges I have gone through, I realized it was all resistance training. It was another way that God was enlarging my soul preparing me for greater expansion. I am still learning what that expansion is designed to produce and accommodate.
But that’s what new relationships are about. When you are in a room with people who do $40 million a year, they have no problem describing how they grew their business to that size. But it’s more than just that. That level of increase is designed to equip you to do things. We become in order to do.
There is a world of need waiting for us to show up with solutions and resources to make a difference. There are hungry children to feed. There are schools to be built. There are wells to be constructed so people can have clean water.

There are programs to be launched so teenagers can have an option or plan that doesn’t divert their lives into the penal system. They need access to technology that will allow them to see the great potential they possess. There are charter schools that need to be started with an unlimited supply of tuition so that every student can have access to the best education possible.
It would be great if we could expect our government and our leaders to step up and do the right thing for America. But with people in Washington stuck on stupid meaningless issues, we have to decide to take action ourselves. We can’t wait on Washington. We have to increase our capacity and our earning potential so that we can change this world with our own resources. The world needs a bigger you.
That was my biggest takeaway over the past two weeks. God is enlarging my soul to accommodate a vision far beyond what I had imagined. I have to continue to network with people who are operating at that level as their norm so that it can become my new norm. I have to increase my income and my earning potential so that I can have more money to give towards those causes that matter to God. One thing that matters to God is strengthening the hands of the poor. That means giving them the resources, the knowledge, and the relationships they need to break the bonds of poverty forever.
We can do this. I can do this. Of course, I can’t do it on my own. It’s too big for me. But that is the greatest sign that God is with us. When we have a vision that is way beyond what we imagine on our own, we can be assured that God is launching a soul expansion campaign. He is growing you and me so that we can manifest the great things God visualized when he thought of us in his mind. He has an assignment for us all. That assignment will allow us to change the world for the better. If we yield to soul expansion and allow ourselves to grow. We must think bigger not for our own good but for what our lives can produce for the good of others. That is the power of soul expansion. That is what God wants to do in you and I. Let us yield to the process. Prepare to be enlarged. Because the world needs a bigger you.