So you attended an amazing conference event but what next?
It was an exciting three days at an incredible conference event! But What Next? You met incredible people, learned a lot and couldn’t wait to get home and implement all that knowledge. But as you walk into the door of your home, you are confronted by children with a dozen challenges who lived without you for the past week, an enormous pile of laundry, and enough dirty dishes to open a coffee-house. Gradually that awesome experience begins to fade into the dark hole that is your busy life.
It doesn’t have to be that way. You can keep the great conference experience alive by doing a few things right away.
1. First, take a few minutes to review the program.
Read through your workbooks and / or skim over the outline of things you learned. If you flew to the event, the return flight is a great opportunity to do this. Highlight and pay attention to the things that pop out at you.
2. Next, decide what action you want to implement first.
Don’t make it a long list. Pick one thing. At a recent conference I attended, the presenter talked about the value of vision boards. So from that talk, I decided to create a new vision board. There were dozens of great ideas presented at the event. I chose to start by doing this one. It allows me to activate my creativity and think long term. But it also keeps me free of the minutia. In this stage, let your imagination soar.
3. Connect with NEW contacts ASAP.
Every conference event creates opportunities to meet awesome people who inspire, excite and challenge you. Connect with 3 – 5 people right away either through social media, email or if you are the snail mail kind — send a post card. Make sure you mention what it was that prompted you to connect. Was it a conversation you had? Was it common educational background? Did you have similar objectives? My own general rule is to exchange information at the event and connect by social media within 72 hours of returning home.
4. Make a list of the important “TAKE AWAYS.”
Conferences are great places to get a ton of ideas. But in reality, you can’t implement them all, at least not all at once. So make a list of the top 7 things you need to walk away with. What 7 things would you like to implement over the next year?
5. Identify one new strategic alliance.
Personal growth has a lot to do with our alliances. One new strategic alliance can catapult you into an entirely new season of opportunity. Who did you meet that you would like to know better? Ask yourself, “How can I cultivate this relationship long term?” How can you use this relationship to help hold yourself accountable to what you learned at the conference?
6. Identify one person to target as a mentor.
Remember, you don’t have to have direct contact with someone to have them as your mentor. You can get great information to help you grow from their blogs, videos on YouTube, seminar training, books and other resources. The key to being a FANTASTIC MENTEE is DOING what your MENTOR teaches. One of my personal mantra’s; “Never have to be told the same instruction twice!” Do what they tell you the first time. That way, when you see them again, you will have already completed the past assignment.
Conferences are a great way to create momentum in your life. At the event, you can be inspired and challenged by like minded peers to get busy taking action on your goals and dreams. So make the most of the money you spent to attend the event. Find the energy to get focused and get moving. Do something from this list right now!