A Worship Encounter, A.W.E.

Experiencing A.W.E. — A Worship Encounter… AWE (A Worship Encounter) happens Whenever you Worship. In God’s presence, you set the stage for an engagement that inspires HIM to want to do awesome things with you. Exodus 34:5-11 Now the LORD descended in the cloud and stood with him there, and proclaimed the name of the LORD. 6 And […]


As we wind down this year, many people are considering what the ideal next year should look like. For those individuals still working, having a better job position is a big deal when it comes to their work life. Scripture is great to quote when job junting. Yesterday, I had a friend say they were looking […]

A Chayil Woman Bracelets

Have you ever done something just for the pure enjoyment of it, and then it mushroomed and grew up in an amazing but delightful way? Well that is what these bracelets have done. This was something I did for myself initially to create a conversation piece around the word CHAYIL. And it turns out that […]