The Three Gifts of Battle

The Three Gifts of Battle Today is the eighth day of the eighth month of the sixteenth year (double eight) and today victory is declared! For a new beginning is on the horizon. Says the Lord! Many soldiers have fought long and hard. The battle has been arduous. The test and the trials seemed as if they […]

You are Loved!

You are Loved! Did you hear that? You are LOVED! You must recognize that voice and tune into it. It is the Fathers voice speaking his love to you. There are so many voices in the world. Some of those voices can be very damaging and hurtful. Some voices can demeaning and tear us down. […]

Act Like It! Manifest Your Victory

Act like it is so! Act it! Show it! Manifest Your Victory Change how you’re acting! Show up and decree your victory. For your dark days are behind and the SON is your shinning example of JOY Manifested. Who for the JOY that was set before him, endured the cross. You have endured! You have stood […]