Revelation To Results

Revelation is not what you know. 

Revelation is not what you know. Revelation is what you do with what you know. All the information we acquire over our life is designed to empower us to generate results. It’s not what you learned, is what you do with it. Revelation should produce out comes. Our knowledge should move us from revelation to results.

So if you go to a new conference, and you acquire new information, how are you using it? How are you applying that information to your life? Who are you sharing that information with as you practice it so that they can watch you manifest results?

This world is hungry for people who have the power to manifest things in the earth! God has equipped us with the resources we need to manifest the creative ability he deposited within every being made in his image. That means you! You were created with the same capacity as God himself. You are made in his image and he’s like. That means you look like him and you have the capacity to produce like him.

Start practicing your creative power. What dreams are hidden within the treasure chest of your soul? It is time for you to manifest your greatness because all of creation is waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God. That is you!

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