Tag: patricia king

Making Friends

We are talking today about the importance of making friends and becoming the kind of friend you need. If you dont have friends, check these things first. If you are lonely, If you have no one to be there when you need a friend, If no one is reaching out to you, before you got […]

Something Beautiful…

Recently I had an extended conversation with myself (Yes I talk to me) about some things I went through over the years. Looking back, I can see where some people did things that really hurt. And in some instances, they didn’t hurt so much as they ticked me off. No they pissed me off. I […]

“Embrace the Change and the New Path”

This word so encouraged my heart, I had to share it! Change is in the wind! Embrace it! Step into it! It is time to move on and upwards in God!!! “Embrace the Change and the New Path” by Angie Stolba, Washington, Illinois I woke up on a recent morning hearing the words, “Embrace the […]