What Did God Say?

 “God is not a man, that He should lie, Nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?”

Numbers 23:19

What did God say?

When God makes a promise, he makes it from the perspective that it is already been fulfilled and completed. The distance in time between his decreed promise and it’s manifestation in our lives is the season of our development.

That reality does not give us permission to lay aside the promises that God has spoken with a “wait and see” attitude. It is our responsibility as his earth agents to take these promises and to remind ourselves and Him (not that he forgets, but he loves to know that his thoughts are on our minds) of them on a regular and consistent basis. We must say out loud what God said. We must remind ourselves, we must address the spiritual entities both in the heavenly realm and the dark realm, of what God spoke. Our job is during the season of development is keeping all the sides notified, informed, and fully aware of what God has spoken.

What did God say?

What promise did he speak to you? Did you write it down? How often do you review it? Do you imagine what it looks like when manifested in your life? Do you visualize it? Do you expand on it as you meditate on it?

God is faithful. He does not lie! He doesn’t change his mind. he does not revoke a promise. And whatever he said, rest assured, he will do it. The only limitations placed on God’s ability to perform his promises in our lives, is our participation and agreement with them. We must participate with the Spirit of God by agreeing with Him.

With out our agreement, promises are held back like the money in a bank account that we refuse to sign for. If we do not agree with God, we inadvertently partner with the lies of the enemy.

Satan’s purpose is to convince believers — not to believe.

That act of unbelief is partnering with a spirit. And the spirit of unbelief will rob you of the promises of God.

So ask yourself, what did God say? Write it down, then remind yourself of it on a regular basis. Take actions as much and as often as you can. Work towards becoming the person you need to be in order to manifest that promise.

If he promised you a house, go learn home building and maintenance skills So you can take care of the castle when it arrives.

If he promised you a promotion on your job, then learn what it takes to be a good manager and supervisor of people.

If he promise to heal your body and make you stronger, then learn what it takes to eat right and exercise so that you can protect the vessel he has given you.

What did God say?

#chayilwoman / #becomingchayil / #entrepreneur / #breakthemoneycurse

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